Bonnie Dennison

Bonnie Dennison was born and raised in New York City. In addition to guest appearances on NBC’s “Law & Order”, “Law & Order: SVU”, CBS’s NCIS and ABC’s “Ugly Betty”, Bonnie was a member of the cast of NBC’s “Third Watch” as well as CBS’s “Guiding Light”. Her film work has included “Black Irish”, “Born […]

Rob Lariviere

Sarah Jones

is an actress/light designer/sound designer/playwright with an MFA in playwriting from the Actors Studio Drama School and is a current member of the Playwright/Directors Workshop at The Actorʼs Studio. She hails from Alabama and Tennessee and greatly enjoys experimenting in the kitchen whenever possible. You can follow her cooking and theater exploits at

Beck Underwood

is a NYC artist, animator, designer and enabler responsible for the art direction on the Glass Eye productions NO TELLING, I SELL THE DEAD, BITTER FEAST and STAKE LAND. She created the on-line film festival CREEPY CHRISTMAS and animated the short films THAT CREEPY OLD DOLL, PHANTOM LIMB, PERFECTLY PERFECT, MARIONETTE, and UNCLE BEN. In […]

Natalia Paruz

Affectionately known as the ‘Saw Lady’, Natalia has spent over a decade bringing the rare art form of playing music on a carpenter’s saw to audiences around the world. She was chosen by Time Out New York, the Village Voice, the New York Press and the New York Resident for their Best of New York […]